Amanda Hutchinson

P.E. Coach, Kindergarten STEM Teacher, and Administrator

I was born and raised in the Rockwall area. I graduated from Rockwall High School in 2007 after which I attended Paris Junior College where I majored in nursing. I was called into the Early Childhood Education field after having my first child. As a Mother, my desire was to be involved in my children's growth. Teaching at Stonebrook Learning Center (Fulton's sister school) where they attended was a great way of accomplishing my goals. I was with Stonebrook from 2012 to 2024 where I eventually became the center director. Having multiple children with special needs, I made the decision to step down as director and into my current role at Fulton so I could spend more time with my children. Fulton has provided me with a work environment that truly feels like family and I am so excided to be apart of helping this school grow. As a mother and teacher, I specialize in the emotional needs of a student as well as the physical needs. 

Likes/Loves: outdoors, gardening, spending time with family, and music.